My Third Grade GATE Classes

In 2nd grade I qualified for GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) and now I take many fun and interesting classes that I go to with my classmates that also qualified.

There are 6 kids in my class that also qualified for GATE and they are Jaden, Nicklios, Sofia, Ivy, Elijah, and me. So far this year I have taken four GATE classes in my school. I have taken Logic class, Art GATE, NASA, and Coding class. GATE class is on every Tuesday or Thursday after school.

I am going to focus on Art GATE class for this journal. In the class I learned about artists and drew one of the pictures the artists drew. Some of the artists we learned were Leonardo Da Vinci, George Seurat, Vincent Van Gogh, and Jackson Pollack. The art projects were fun and exciting. For Leonardo Da Vinci, we drew Mona Lisa and designed our own background. For George Seurat, we did dot art painting, and I created a tree and flower. One of my favorite pictures we drew was sunflowers that Vincent Van Gogh drew. Lastly, we made a fun picture with different color lines and created a wonderful piece of art in the class of Jackson Pollack.

My opinion about the class is that the class was super amazing and fun.

This was all the amazing GATE classes I took in 3rd grade but I will be taking a lot more classes in 4th grade.


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