Icy Arctic Tundra

For this post I will share facts about the Arctic Tundra. Do you want to learn about the Arctic Tundra? This post will tell you cool facts about it.

I got the idea because my class got to choose a biome and a partner. The biome I chose is the Arctic Tundra and Sofia as my partner.

The temperature in the Tundra is 34 degrees Celsius. These are some animals and facts about them. The arctic fox changes color from brown in the summer to white during the winter. The Arctic Hare has smaller ears and noses than other hares. The Arctic tern can fly over 19,000 km in a year and see more daylight hours than any other creatures. The Arctic wolf is the same specie as pet dogs. The bald eagle are often seen swooping down to snatch fish out of the water. Beluga whales are usually found in small groups of around 10 animals. The caribou is a large mammal. Polar bears are the largest land carnivores and can live up to 32 years old. Snowy owls wings can be up to 1.4 meters. There are about 17 species of penguins.

Now i will tell you three plants that live in the tundra. Arctic moss can grow one centimeter each year and can grow on land and in water. The pasque flower can be purple and they have fuzzy stem. The middle of the flower is very yellow. The Arctic willow is a small shrub and it is flat along the ground. The Arctic willow also has a smooth margin and pointed top.

In my opinion, the tundra is cold because it is -30oF and that means lot of ice will form. I also think the tundra is fun to learn about because there are many different plants and animals to learn about.

I wish the tundra would not be so cold because if people go exploring, it is really easy to get sick.


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