Facts About Native Americans

Today I learned many new facts about Native Americans. To learn all these facts I read a few articles and watched a few videos.

I got the idea because my class and I had a writing test about them.  They lived 12,000 years ago in 1492. They lived in Alaska, Canada, North Carolina, and a few more spots. Today there are over five million Native Americans in the U.S. They eat salmon, fish, potatoes, pine nuts, and acorn flour. Native American of the North West built houses called plank houses on beaches. Women wear skirts and leggings. Native Americans grew corns, maze, beans, and squash. They built homes out of branches and animal skin. They believe in cultivation and preservation of natural resources.

I loved learning about Native Americans. If you know other facts about them, please let me know.


  1. I am very impressed that you did more research after the Native American writing test we had in class. Now that we learned more information about Native American tribes in California, which tribe are you fascinated with and why?

    Ms. Ishida

  2. Hi Ms.Ishida,I am fascinated about the Pomo tribe because they fight to keep there tribe safer.

    Yani Ye

  3. Yes, the Pomo tribe greatly value family safety. We will be learning about a new Native American tribe in class.

    Ms. Ishida


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