Last Week of School

I am going to share the fun activities I did on the last week of school. I got the idea because I had a lot of fun and exciting things that I did on the last week of school.

I had many fun activities on the last week of school. At school I did fun things such as field day, end of the year fits, and a lot lot more. Field day is when we choose 3 events and we play to win ribbons 1st, 2nd and 3rd. I won a ribbon and it was second place. I also did fun things in my after-school program, the YMCA. This is the seduce for my after-school program the YMCA.

Monday is Manic Monday and we are make arts and crafts, slim, and Tie Die Shirts. Tuesday is tournament Tuesday and we are doing YMCA Olympics fruit smoothie and Nachos. Wednesday is water Wednesday and we played water games and then we had ice cream Sundays. Thursday was the last day of school and we had pizza, class awards, Y store movie, and during the movie we could bring a blanket and pillow to relax. During the movie, I did many fun things that a lot of other classes did not do such as auction, year book signing with other classes, end of the year memory book, playing fun games, and doing arts and crafts with Savannah’s grandma.

I will miss my whole class, my teachers, and our school helpers. The last week of school was Jun 11 to Jun 14. I feel sad and happy because I will miss my friends and I am going to be a third grader.
In my opinion I had good classmates because they were nice to me and I will miss them a lot during the summer. In my opinion I had a awesome teacher because she did a lot of things other teachers did not do. I will also miss my teacher in summer break. I would like to have Ms. Ishida again because she is going to be a third-grade teacher. If I don’t have Ms. Ishida I would want to have Ms. Nolander, Ms. Palmer, Ms. Samlin, or Ms. Gearig.

I shared my feeling about the end of the school year and I would like to hear how you feel about the end of the school. I would also like to know the activities you did for the last week / day of school.


  1. I am so thrilled that you enjoyed the last week of school. We made many fun memories together throughout the year and I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. I hope you are having a blast at summer camp. I will be so lucky if you were in my third grade class. Have a fantastic summer vacation, Yani!

    Ms. Ishida


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