
I did a very interesting and fun research about Tornadoes. These facts are very interesting and I would like to share all these facts with you.

The country that had the most tornadoes is the United Kingdom. Most tornadoes happen for 10 minutes. During that then minutes tornadoes can destroy many things such as houses, boats, people, cars, trees, and other things. 

When a tornado happens when you are in a house you should have a emergency kit and you should stay away from windows. Tornadoes are gray and a funnel shape. A tornado looks like a large spinning twirling funnel. 

This is how a tornado can happen:
1. Before a tornado happens, it begins with a thunderstorm.
2. Precipitation should counter the updraft, but when winds blow precipitation out of rising air, the updraft strengthens, beneath the storm, winds of different speeds form horizontal tubes of orating air.  
3. When those tubes are ingested into the updraft, they become vertical and the storm acquires rotation forming a super cell.
4. The rotating tube is stretched, and the supercell becomes like a giant vacuum, sucking dirt up and away. As air rushes into equalize the pressure, a tornado is formed. 

In my opinion tornadoes are very dangerous and spectacular earth events. My wish is that there are no tornadoes where we live because we might get hurt if there are tornadoes. 

As you can see that tornadoes are very dangerous Earth event. I would like to know if you ever saw a tornado.


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