
Showing posts from January, 2018

11 Year old Scientist

I did a research about a 11 year old girl who invented a new method of testing lead in water. I am going to write this because I want you to become more knowledge about science. This is how I came up with this topic. My mom told me about it and I thought it was a good idea to blog about it. Her name is Gitanjali Rao. What Gitanjali did was science. She had a science room with green walls and black polka dots. She did many experiments on a white science table. She failed a lot of times but she never gave up until she did it. Gitanjali did a lot of experiments and a lot of them she did failed. Gitanjali won $25,000 for what she did. she is known for America's top young scientist. In my opinions Gitanjali Rao was a excellent scientist because for her age she is little to invent something. I loved learning about Gitanjali Rao and I hope you loved learning as much as I did.


I did a research about glaciers. I am going to write this because I was interested in glaciers. Also because at school I am doing a research about earth and my research is about volcanoes and I want to learn about other topics too. Most glaciers are in Antarctic and Greenland but they are nearly on every continent. A glacier is a persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under it's own weight. A glacier is formed from compacted layers of snow. When new layers of snow falls, previous layers compress into the ice. A glacier is not like regular ice. Regular ice is clear but a glacier is blue, light blue and dark blue. The shape of a glacier can be curved, V shaped, Valleys, and U shape valleys. in my opinion doing this research was educational, fun and exciting. my Mom and my Dad helped me a little but I mostly did it by myself. The one who mostly helped me was my Dad. I learned some interesting facts about glaciers and the new words I learned were compress, dense, ...

Something about Earth

I did a educational research about Earth. Earth is the only planet that people can live on because it is the only planet that has food, water and air. We don't feel this but Earth is rotating around the Sun very very slow. Earth is a very very old planet that is why we see a lot of old trash. Earth is about 4.54 billion years old. When dinosaurs were alive, no people were alive. Dinosaurs were extinct 65 million years ago. Chicxclub (Cheek-shuh-loob) killed dinosaurs. Earth was formed from nothing but a cloud of cold dust swirling through the empty space then a star flew by and the cloud of dust was collapse as gravity pulled everything together. I learned some cool facts about planet Earth and if you have any facts about Earth I would like to hear them.

My New Year Resolutions 2018

I would like to share my New Year resolution for 2018 with you. My first goal is to try to be in the level Axel in Ice-skating. This is how I am going to try to be in Axel. I will go 3 days a week, train 2 hours each day I go, listen to my private coach, tell myself I can do it, don't give up and always say I can do it. My second goal is to be more knowledgeable in Science, Math and Language arts. This how I am going to accomplish all three. Practice every day, don't give up, work hard, say I can do it, always say I can finish it and work smartly. My third goal is to eat healthier food. This is how I am going to try to accomplish eating healthier food. Pretend it is candy, always say this is yummy, eat it with something I like, and eat at least 12 pieces veggies every day. You heard my New Year resolution. Now I would like to hear yours.