My Last Day as a First Grader and Father's Day

On Monday I went to the Park to watch a softball game and we went to watch it for fun. I went with my class and other graders up to 4th grade. The teams were the Angels verse the Doggers  and the people who were playing are the 6th graders verse the adults. I think the adults are going to win but this game is only for fun. I really enjoyed the softball game because the game was a tie and the grownups hit the ball over the giant fence.

On Tuesday I made a Father’s Day T-shirt. I made it for my Daddy. I made it for Father’s day. It took 3 days and 29 steps to make it. I made it by making the T-shirt out of blue green paper and I made a card and decorate the front and back of it. I also made a tie and when you flip the front tie, it says My Dad and then a lot of questions like my Dad ‘s job, my favorite thing to do with my Dad, my Dad’s superpower. I love my Dad because I made this fun project at school with my teacher and mostly by myself. I think my Dad liked it so much and I think he is going to keep it forever until he dies maybe.

On Wednesday, I had field day with all the kids up to second grade at our school. I play 4 games and they are called Long Jump, 3 legged race, baseball throw and 50 yard dash. After they gave us popsicles and the flavor I got was purple grapes. I liked field day because it is really fun. I won first place in all the games I did.

On Tuesday it was the last day of school and I walked to the park. I went to the park to celebrate the last day of school. I think to myself my teacher was amazing. My teacher taught me how to write, how to draw. My teacher taught me that because she wants to use to be ready for second grade.
 My YMCA teachers taught me about animals mostly. My YMCA teachers names are Ms. Julia and Ms. Monica.  

I feel really sad because it is the last day of the school. 


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