The Primary Reasons for the Downfall of the Roman Empire
What are the reasons a flower starts to wither? There are many reasons, just as there are many reasons for the “fall” of an empire, such as the Roman empire. The Roman empire began around 750 BCE (Before Common Era), having its first two centuries of ruling with the most stability, increasing power, wealth, and peace. This period was known as the Pax Romana. The Roman army conquered land from modern-day Scotland to Spain to the Mediterranean Sea, and parts of North Africa, Egypt, the Middle East, and Asia Minor. By this time, Julius Caesar had become emperor, and Rome had no other major rivals to defeat. However, having such a big empire to control and govern led to problems. All the problems ultimately led to the “fall” of Rome; but some problems contributed more than others, just as certain things have more impact than others on the withering of a flower. Of the many reasons for the downfall of Rome, military problems and foreign invasions were both very serious problems, but n...