
Showing posts from July, 2018

Summer Camp at Cerritos College

For 2 weeks I went to Cerritos College. I think it was interesting   and fun two weeks. Read down below to find out the fun things I did in the two weeks. My schedule for the two weeks was class; 2. Tennis class and then lunch; 3. Kung fu; 4. Ooey gooey science;5 . After care. On the last day we had to do a survey with questions such as did you like the class, what class were you in, and what you think should be improved.  In cooking class we made pop tarts, corn bread , cupcakes, pizza, Mac and cheese, pancakes, cheese its, and sugar cookies, etc. in Ooey Gooey science class, we made slime and the slimes we made were fluffy slime, snow slime, monster slime, magnetic slime, butter slime, glow in the dark slime, color changing slime, more butter slime and unicorn slime.  The friends I already know are Sofia Ochiqi, and Kayla G. I made friends with Arianna, Sophie, and Emilee. My teacher for cooking class was Ms. June Mahera. My tennis teacher was Mr...


I am going to write about butterflies because they are interesting to learn about. Read down below to find and read some fun butterfly facts. The first stage in a butterfly's life cycle is an egg. The second stage is a caterpillar or a larva.   The third stage is a chrysalis or a pupa.   The fourth and last stage is a adult butterfly.  There are many different types of butterfly's some of them are the milkweed, monarch butterfly and the queen butterfly. Butterflies eat nectar  from flowers and they drink with their feet. Butterflies camouflage because predators are scare of the bright colors on their wings. In my opinion, monarch butterflies are my favorite butterflies because they have pretty colors. Butterflies are my favorite bugs because they are cute and cool. As you can see why I think butterflies are interesting things to learn about. I shared my favorite butterflies. Now I would like to hear yours. Also, I say do not kill or hurt animals, hu...