
Showing posts from January, 2022

Vampire Bats

  There are 1,200 known species of bats, but only 3 are known to suck blood, aka, vampire bats. When a vampire bat feasts on a tablespoon of blood MAXIMUM, they pierce the victims skin, instead of sucking blood like people think they do. One astounding fact about them is that their saliva has a special substance which prevents the victim's blood from clotting up. Vampire bats are meerly misunderstood because of their meal choices. This is because they don't primarily suck human blood, they would much perfer livestock such as chickens, pigs, and cows.If you ever do get attacked by a vampire bat however, scientists highly reccomend getting a Rabies vaccine. Most vampire bat rumors were started because of a horror novel entitled "Dracula", which came out in 1897. One of the biggest rumors is the size of these facinating creatures. In "Dracula", they are giant bats that can be turned into human-sized vampires. In reality, they are only about the size of a human ...


  Athena's Roman name was Minerva and she was the  goddess of wisdom and war.  Athena’s main powers were handicrafts, industry, war, and wisdom, which together create a strong, powerful, and creative goddess.  She was most likely to be found at Mount Olympus with her other siblings and relatives.  Athena’s mother was Metis (goddess of planning, cunning, and wisdom) and her father was Zeus (god of the sky).  Her siblings included Apollo, Artemis, and Ares.  She was also a Maiden because she did not marry anyone nor have any children.  Athena was sometimes known as the female version of Ares since both were in charge of war. When her mother (Metis) was still pregnant with Athena, she was swallowed by Zeus, forcing Athena to live in his forehead.  She spent her whole childhood in his forehead, fighting off his nightmares and learning from her mother.  As time went on, Zeus began to have constant bad headaches.  One day, the headac...

"Island Of The Blue Dolphins" Excerpt Summary

  In “Island Of The Blue Dolphins”, Karana has to decide what to do with the wounded dog that killed her brother. At the beginning, Karana finds the wounded dog laying half dead on the floor. She is conflicted because she hates it, but not enough to kill it. After some time, she takes the dog to her house, and provides it with food and water. She also treats the dog’s wounds with a stick from a coral bush. Over a few days, Karana and the dog start building trust for each other. They are able to get closer but not too close as they still are a little suspicious of each other. Eventually, Karana comes home from the mainland and thinks that he will be gone. This is when she realizes her positive feelings toward the dog which have just sprouted. When Karana enters her house, she finds the dog all happy, wagging it’s tail and stretching. In the end, Karana finally decides on a name for the dog (Rontu), making it her new pet.

Summary (and New Years Resolution "lookback?) on 2021

 Since the new year is finally here, it is time to look back at everything that has happened this past, chaotic year. I will also be looking back at my old resolutions and giving my opinion on whether or not I fulfilled them. Last year, my main resolution was to improve in all the classes I am taking.  For my Chinese class, I wanted to  learn new Chinese characters and speak Chinese more at home. I do think I achieved this goal because I learned the whole pinyin alphabet, learned many new characters, and speak it most of the time. Since I now go to an afterschool program with Chinese class, I have an extra class alongside my online one. Both have helped me a lot but I think my afterschool program has had a greater impact since it is in-person and more interactive. For my art class, I wanted to practice drawing more independently and on my own which I definitely did not achieve. Aside from my class and doodling in school, I barely have drawn, and talk about alone... I will...